Abercrombie, Stanley. A Century of Interior Design 1900-2000. NK1980 A24 2003.
Fehrman, Cherie, and Kenneth Fehrman. Postwar Interior Design: 1945-1960. NK1986 O73 F4 1987.
Furniture & Interiors of the 1970s. NK2395 B66413 2005.
Havenhand, Lucinda Kaukas. Mid-Century Modern Interiors: The Ideas that Shaped Interior Design in America. NK2004 H38 2019.
Massey, Anne. Interior Design of the 20th Century. NK1980 M3 2001.
Quinn, Bradley. Mid-Century Modern: Interiors, Furniture, Design Details. NK2395 Q85 2004.
Richardson,Phyllis. Living Modern: The Sourcebook of Contemporary Interiors. NK1990 P69 2010.
Williamson, Leslie. Handcrafted Modern: At Home with Mid-Century Designers. NK1980 W55 2010.