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CI 3920: Teaching Young Adolescents: Finding Articles in Education

Google Scholar or Subject Specific Databases


Google Scholar Subject Databases

boat in an ocean

Using Google Scholar is similar to fishing in the ocean. You will find and catch a wide variety of fish.

  • Google Scholar offers a wide variety of articles and resources on various subjects and topics.
  • Searching in Google Scholar can result in numerous hits with many being irrelevant to your specific subject or topic.

boat in a river

Using a Subject Specific database is similar to fishing in the New River. The New River specializes in a smaller variety of fish, and you are more likely to catch the type of fish you want.

  • Using a subject specific database helps to focus and narrow your search resulting in more relevant hits. 

Searching Subject Databases

Basic Search

search box searching achievement gap

Search Tips

  • To search for an exact phrase, use quotation marks  “  “  around the phrase
    •  “achievement gap”
    • “student achievement”
    • “grade point average”
    • “standardized testing”
  • Use OR to search for similar or synonymous words
    • race OR ethnicity
    • adolescent OR teenager

Advanced Searches

search box


search box

Refine Your Search

Use the limit options on the left to refine your search results.

refine results image


Education Databases


The following tutorials will assist you in conducting your research.

Education Librarian

Profile Photo
Jewel Davis
Belk Library IMC Room 033