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LIB 5010 Collection Development and Management: Community Analysis Project


Regional Economic Information System
Estimates of personal income and per capita personal income for NC counties.

County Business Patterns
County, state, and national level business data including number of establishments, payroll, number of employees and number of  establishments by size class for 2 digit SIC industry groupings.

North Carolina Institute of Government. Municipalities Page
This page is a useful alphabetical table of all North Carolina cities and towns which have a Web site. Besides the link to the town's Web sites, it provides (when available) a link to the Visitor's Bureau or Chamber of Commerce Web site, as well as a link to the county's Web site.

USA Counties
Information on age, agriculture, ancestry, banking, building permits, business patterns, crime, earnings, education, elections, government, health, households, housing, income, labor force and employment, manufactures, population, poverty, retail trade, services industries, social programs, veterans, vital statistics and wholesale trade. 1999.

County and City Databook
A wide variety of demographic, social and economic variables for counties, cities, places and states.

North Carolina Cities and Counties

North Carolina County Profiles
Demographic data on population, economics, education, housing, income, and manufacturing.

North Carolina Municipal Population
Office of State Budget and Management.

Statistical Abstract of North Carolina Counties
State Data Center Choose, using a quick links menu or a broader category (such as County/State Estimates, Municipal Estimates, Census, County/State Projections, and Other), from a wide range of available tables. An excellent source for detailed data.

High Country Council of Governments
Provides links to demographics for Watauga, Ashe, Avery, Mitchell, Wilkes, and Yancey counties and for communities within each.

Collections of Statistics/ Census Data/ Demographics

American FactFinder   U. S. Census Bureau.
Basic facts for counties or municipalities, including total population; sex and age breakdowns; race breakdowns; household relationship data; households by type; housing occupancy; and housing tenure.

This handy collection of statistics is grouped by state, then by county. On the left side of the page, under MapStats, select North Carolina (or another state, if applicable) and click on Submit. Then, select the county you want and click on Go. When you see the results page, notice on the right side, at the top of the chart, a link to "Browse more data sets for [name] County."

U. S. Census Bureau
The main page for census information. You can also get to census data from the FedStats and State Data Center links, above.


North Carolina Public Schools Reports & Statistics
Reports on all aspects of elementary and secondary school in NC including student testing and  program and testing evaluation and analysis.

School District Profiles
An electronic library containing social, financial and administrative data for each of the 15,274 school districts in the United States.

North Carolina County School Systems
Click on a county. The county's chart lists each school in the county, with its grade span, principal's name,number of teachers, number of students, address, telephone number, and a link to the school's Web site.

Information Sources

North Carolina Information Sources
Compiled by NCLIVE

Newsbank North Carolina
NewsBank North Carolina provides full text access to over 100 North Carolina newspapers
Coverage: 1985-present

IMC Librarian

Profile Photo
Margaret Gregor