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BIO 4700- Microbiome Research: Home

Welcome and Learning Outcomes

Welcome to the Library Guide to assist you in your Microbiome Research. Today we will discuss:

                                                                                                                                        Source: Unsplash: Enterobacteriaceae                                                                                                                    


Your Assignment

1. Grant Proposal: As part of the microbiome research project, everyone will work in your groups to come up with a research question and hypothesis surrounding the murine samples you choose. You will generate a written document relaying your question and explaining the experimental set up before beginning the lab work.  This proposal will include background reading, your research question and hypothesis, and the general experimental design. Students will generate a written document with all of these elements, using appropriate literature to support and explain their research question. The microbiome research projects will be doing next generation sequencing of the small intestine from Crohn's disease model mice.

2. Microbiome and disease presentations where students will do background literature reading on the role of the microbiome on a disease of their choice. This will include any mechanisms that are published or any changes to the composition of the microbiome in people with that disease.

Science Librarian

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Stephanie Bennett
University Libraries
Appalachian State University
218 College Street
Boone, NC 28608