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Athletic Training: Overview

Where to publish, for OA, for Athletic Training and related

I'm using Browzine, selecting several of its lists of journals, ranking by Scimago scores.

Rehabilitation and Therapy -- General

Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine -- Elsevier Hybrid

Quick links to databases, and getting help

Need help? I'm available: email wiswellj@, Zoom, chat, appointment.  Make appointment (in person Levine or LIbrary, or Zoom).  Email if these times don't work.

Best Databases for Athletic Training

It's a good practice to start by looking for reviews.  Include the word "review" or the phrase "systematic review" with your other search words.  PubMed has a "Reviews" button on the upper left.

NATA Position Statements -- Looks like NATA has stopped making these since 2018.

Primal Pictures -- Anatomy

Both of these are now available at ANATOMY.TV .  Especially see the "Functional Anatomy."

Getting Full Text of Journal Articles

Most of the time, our systems for delivering full text work smoothly.  Occasionally they do not, sometimes we do not subscribe, and sometimes you're starting with a paper citation.  What do you do?

  • I usually start by searching on the DOI or the "article title" in Google Scholar (from Library home page).  The new APPsearch is good for this too, again with DOI or "article title."  The reason I like Google Scholar is that it will find most subscribed full text and most free full text that's just open on the web.
  • You can also search starting with the journal title (not article title).  E-Journal/Magazine Title
  • You can ask for help.  Chat or email me (wiswellj@) or Library staff.  Walk in. Call.
  • We also have ILLiad for acquiring articles from other libraries.  It's pretty fast.  ILLiad (Interlibrary Loan)

Reference Book

Health Sciences Librarian

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John Wiswell

Email me! Levine Hall 542F & Belk Library 225, (828)262-7853