Online Reference Materials
Encyclopedia of Anthropology
View of species within nature, evolution, and socioc ultural development.
21st Century Anthropology: A Reference Handbook
Dictionary of Anthropology
Emphasis is placed on concepts and theories, rather than fixed definitions.
Country Studies
Online from the Library of Congress, the Country Study Series presents a description and analysis of the historical setting and the social, economic, and political institutions of countries throughout the world.
Ethnic Groups Worldwide
Ready-reference handbook which provides a guide to ethnic groups in the contemporary world.
Countries and their Cultures
ASU STACKS GN307.C68 2001
Four-volume set which includes a cultural summary of 225 countries. The summaries provide a mx of demographic, historical, social, economic, and religious information.
Encyclopedia of Cultural Anthropology
This 4-volume set includes 340 articles covering all "approaches, methods, concepts and topics" that are relevant to cultural anthropology.
Encyclopedia of World Cultures and Supplement 2002
ASU REF GN550.E53 1991
Ten volume set, arranged geographically. Contains 1500 summaries of cultural groups and includes maps, glossaries, and indexes.
Ethnic Cultures of the World: a statistical reference
ASU MAIN STACKS GN495.4.P37 1997
Statistical profiles for over 400 ethnic groups are included. "Allows for quantitative comparisons across ethnic groups which are present in multiple countries located in multiple continents."
Worldmark Encyclopedia of Cultures and Daily Life
ASU REF GN333.W67 1998
Four-volume set which includes over 500 culture groups from around the world. "Focuses on traditions, living conditions, and personalities." Emphasis is placed on how people live today.