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HIS 5207 Contemporary U.S. and N.C. Political History: Home

What's in this guide?

This guide contains resources that you can use to help you find:

  • Government information
  • News articles
  • Scholarly publications
  • Biographical information
  • Other manuscript collections

Find government information

Find news articles

Find scholarly sources

Consult the complete list of Databases by Subject to determine which other databases are related to your research.

The catalog provides access to the library holdings of Appalachian State University (books, movies, music scores, music CDs, government documents, audiobooks, and more).

Advanced search

Google Scholar provides access to scholarly articles, conference papers, preprints, theses, books, and technical reports.

Find biographical information

Finding other manuscript collections


Profile Photo
Jackie Eagleson
(828) 262-7424

Using the Special Collections Resource Center

Appointments for the use of the archives, manuscript, and rare book collections are required.  Researchers must request an appointment at least five (5) days in advance of the intended research time through the online booking system Please check the Hours page for any changes to regular hours.  Appointments are not required for the use of non-rare materials.

Full procedures

Citations of Bills and Laws

Bill citations:

Congress number, bill type, bill number

Example: 96 H.R 7554


H.R. House Bill
S. Senate Bill
H.J. Res. House Joint Resolution
S.j. Res. Senate Joint Resolution
H. Con. Res. House Concurrent Resolution
S. Con. Res. Senate Concurrent Resolution
H. Res. House Simple Resolution
S. Res. Senate Simple Resolution

Public Law citations:

Congress Nnmber, law number

Example: Pub.L. 96-477

Numbers start over each congress