The Office of Research has a new databases of funding opportunities, Pivot. (September 2022)
Also see their page with links to Quick Start Guide and other help.
GuideStar | Produced by Philanthropic Research, Inc.: searchable directory of over 850,000 nonprofit organizations. Free profiles of IRS 990 filings. Makes researching and comparing public charitable organizations easier. | single access point for over 1000 grant programs offered by the 26 Federal grant-making agencies.
Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance | Identifies and describes specific government assistance opportunities such as loans, grants, counseling, and procurement contracts available under many agencies and programs.
Pamela's Grant Writing Blog | "Ultimate nonprofit newbie resource." Great for the "one person shop"
Office of Research
Supports Grants Resources and Services, Sponsored Programs, Research Protections, Research Consultation
email: (828) 262.7459
The third floor #382 of John E. Thomas Building .
Annual Register of Grant Support | "A guide to more than 3,500 grant-giving organizations offering nonrepayable support shows you how to tap the immense funding potential of these sources. Organized by 11 major subject areas-with 61 specific subcategories-Grant Support 2006 is the definitive resource for researching and uncovering a full range of available grant sources. Not only does it direct you to traditional corporate, private, and public funding programs, it also shows you the way to little known, nontraditional grant sources such as educational associations and unions."
ASU Reference REF AS 911 .A2 A67
The Europa International Foundation Directory | "This directory of international foundations, trusts, charitable and grant-making NGOs and other similar non-profit institutions provides a comprehensive picture of foundation activity on a world scale."
ASU Reference REF HV7 .I56
Foundation Directory | Online Version | A classic guide to America's top funders. The Directory features key facts on the nation's top 10,000 foundations by total giving. And, with over 46,000 descriptions of selected grants, the Directory provides fundraisers with unique insight into foundation giving priorities. Directory Part 2 broadens the funding base to include the next 10,000 largest foundations by total giving. It also features over 42,000 grant descriptions. Directory Part 2 grantmakers contribute hundreds of millions of dollars to nonprofits each year, providing crucial support for organizations on both the local and national level.
ASU Reference REF AS 911 .A2 F65
National Directory of Corporate Giving | "The most current information available in print on more than 4,100 corporate grantmakers. Includes over 7,800 descriptions of recently awarded grants."
ASU Reference REF HV89 .N26
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